The reed-beds of Fondotoce and the Lagoni of Mercurago

The Special Nature Reserve of Fondotoce was set up in 1990 and includes the last stretch of the River Toce and part of the Fondotoce flood plain. Its most interesting environment is the reed-bed, an area essential for the reproduction of many fish species and an ideal habitat for many birds to nest in.
An easy nature trail over level terrain, open all year, takes you in an hour’s walk to discover some of the natural delights of the area, and enables you to see a range of water birds.
The Nature Park of the Lagoni of Mercurago, not far from the town of Arona, comprises the peat-bogs of Mercurago and pastures used for stud-farms. A variety of themed paths guide you in your discovery of woods and wetlands; other paths are designed for cycling or jogging.